How to Have a Fun Holiday Without Drugs and Alcohol

Can I enjoy the holidays without using drugs and alcohol? The holidays a great time to get together with family and friends and enjoy life together for a little while. But the holidays can also be extremely stressful. There are meals to make and maybe some of your family members don’t get along very well. The easiest thing may be to start drinking in order to ease the tension and anxiety of the holidays and family.

Don’t Worry About Expensive Gifts

Is there something better I can do than buying costly gifts for my family during the holidays? Maybe instead of going out and buying the newest bit of technology for your parents or siblings, you can make a home-made gift. Try doing an art project like building a birdhouse or painting a watercolor. These kinds of gifts show that you were willing to put time into a unique gift, and that can mean more than just buying something at a store. Learn more about how to avoid drinking during the holidays.

Make Great Meals Together

What’s a good activity I can do with my family instead of using drugs and alcohol? Find your favorite recipe and get a few of your family members together to make a whole meal. Each of you can have a different task. Cooking together can be a great bonding experience that is much better than using alcohol. You can even save money by eating in your house instead of going out to a restaurant. While it may seem that drinking alcohol around the holidays can ease the tension of family, alcohol can actually put more distance between you and your loved ones.

Play Fun Board Games Instead of Drinking

Is there something we can do together as a family instead of drinking and getting stressed out? There are many fun board games that you can play together to get to know each other better. Check out games like Scattergories or Monopoly or Apples to Apples. These games will keep you engaged in something all at the same time. Playing a game can be a lot easier than trying to sustain conversation for very long. Don’t make the holidays any harder than they have to be! If you struggle with alcoholism around the holidays, the best way out is alcohol rehab. At Retreat at Lancaster County and Palm Beach County, we can help you survive the holidays without alcohol and addiction.