Drugs and Prostitution Ring in NJ Senior Housing

Drugs and Prostitution Ring in NJ Senior Housing

Have you ever done drugs? Have you ever seen the seedy underbelly of drug dealers and criminals? Did you know that lots of drug dealers and related criminals are involved in other crimes, like extortion, violence, and prostitution? Do you ever think about what you might do for drugs? After all, people do all kinds of things that they don’t want to do when addictive drugs are involved. In one recent example of how illegal drugs and other forms of shady crime are intertwined, a 75-year-old man admitted that he had run a crack ring out of a senior housing complex in Englewood, NJ-one that included the prostitution of young women who also had drug problems.

The 75-year-old man pled guilty to the charges of maintaining a nuisance for purposes of engaging in unlawful conduct, and possession of drug paraphernalia. He himself is a drug addict, struggling with an addiction to crack cocaine (which landed him in trouble in a different Englewood city senior housing complex). And though his actions were still criminal (especially the reprehensible preying on young drug-addicted women), it’s good to keep in mind that drug addiction is a disease, and that drug addicts have trouble controlling their behavior.

Have you ever thought about how low you might sink because of drugs? Have you ever found yourself doing something you didn’t want to (or later regretted) because of heroin, meth, cocaine, marijuana,PCP, or prescription medication (like Percocet, Vicodin, and OxyContin)? Remember that there is hope for drug addicts. Call Retreat at Lancaster County or Palm Beach to learn more about how our affordable addiction treatment & detox program.