Coping with Addiction Cravings

During recovery and sober living, cravings for drug or alcohol are one of the biggest challenges that former addicts may face. While cravings will likely be most frequent in the early stages of recovery, they might continue throughout life, so it is important to learn strategies for coping with cravings.

As this video explains, cravings stem from triggers that will cause an individual to want to use drugs or alcohol. Triggers can vary for everyone, but they might include boredom, stress, or exposure to certain environments. Learning to identify these triggers and find mechanisms to interrupt the craving process will be a lifelong skill in maintaining sobriety.

Retreat at Lancaster County and Palm Beach County utilizes a holistic approach in treatment that can be more effective in managing triggers and cravings for long-term success in recovery. To learn about our programs, call us at (717) 859-8000.