California Drops Non-Violent Drug Felonies

How does California’s decision to abolish non-violent drug possession felonies affect me? Many people will be asking themselves that question over the next few months as California’s Proposition 47 was passed this week. While the measure could result in the release of thousands of prisoners, it shows that a cultural shift is taking place in America. Many Americans believed that tough, no tolerance drug policies were the best way to rid the country of addiction. But a few decades later what we’ve discovered is that the United States has more people in jail than any other developed country on the planet, and that the drug problem is just as bad as it’s ever been. This new measure shows that the United States and California in particular have started to rethink their drug policies in a positive way. Click here to read about how inpatient rehab could be a good alternative to jail for people struggling with addiction.

Evidence-Based Drug Addiction Treatment

The problem with mass incarceration is that it is a system that is tone deaf to the problems it seeks to fix. Drug possession felonies are not always what they seem. For instance, possessing 5 grams of crack will land you with a felony and five years in prison, even as a first time offender. Having five years of your life taken away for simply having drugs in your possession is hardly a good motivator to stay clean and become a lawful member of society. On the other hand, evidence-based drug addiction treatments can help addicts turn their life around without the felony record and criminal prosecution. Drug rehab is one of the best tools in the recovery arsenal for anyone looking to get clean and sober. Read more about the landmark California decision here.

Why Rehab is Better than Prison

Is rehab better than prison for treating drug addiction? When it comes to addiction, it really doesn’t help anyone to view it as a criminal activity when it is in fact a debilitating disease. Rehab helps people confront their own problems and demons, while simultaneously receiving the medical and psychological treatment that they so desperately need. Sending addicts to prison is about as effective as trying to cut down a tree with a wrench. You can’t expect to use the wrong tool for the job and get quality results.

Finding a Pennsylvania Drug Rehab Center

Are you ready to fight your addiction? Don’t go another day risking physical harm or criminal punishment. Retreat at Lancaster County and Palm Beach County is an industry-leading drug rehab center located in beautiful Pennsylvania and Florida. Retreat, as its name implies, is the perfect escape from troubling influences and addiction triggers. And on top of that, it has the best drug addiction recovery staff around. Check out Retreat’s advanced drug treatment program and see why Retreat is the best option for getting clean and sober.