A Look at Addiction Recovery Tools and Coping Skills

A Look at Addiction Recovery Tools and Coping Skills

We find that people who enter drug and alcohol rehab at our Lancaster County and Palm Beach facility can feel overwhelmed by their addiction. However, in treatment, you will learn a variety of coping skills to help you succeed in your recovery and live a healthier life. Relying on the recovery tools and skills throughout the addiction recovery process will help you feel stronger and resist relapse. Here are some of the strategies that may help during recovery:

Minimize Risks

During recovery, it is important to avoid situations that can increase your urge to use drugs or alcohol. This may mean avoiding friends and locations that you associate with your addiction so you don’t feel tempted to relapse. High-risk situations also include stressors that can lead to cravings, from feeling hungry and tired to angry and lonely. Make an effort to eat healthfully and get plenty of rest so you feel your best. Look for new social connections and ways of coping with stress so that you aren’t tempted to turn to drugs or alcohol as a release.

Practice Honesty

One of the hallmarks of drug and alcohol addiction is the need to lie to friends and family about your behavior. By lying, you give yourself an opportunity to hide your behavior, which lets your addiction flourish. During recovery, adopting a policy of complete honesty will help you stay on track. You don’t have to share your story of addiction and recovery with everyone, but be transparent with your loved ones and your addiction treatment center team.

Find Relaxation Strategies

Many people use drugs or alcohol to relax and unwind. Treatment and recovery are a lot of work and require changing every part of your life, so having a new way to relax is imperative. Strategies like meditation, exercise, or working on a hobby can all help you release tension without relapsing. Have a plan for relaxation in place so you know what to do when you feel overwhelmed.