3 Ways to Prevent Drug Addiction Relapse

How do I stay away from drugs once I return home from successful rehab? Just because you completed your drug rehab, doesn’t mean that your journey to recovery is over. According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, 40-60% of people who complete addiction rehab suffer at least one relapse. The main thing that makes the difference between those who stay clean and those who slip back into their addiction is having a relapse prevention plan by the time you leave your rehab program.

Relapse: How to Recognize It

What does addiction relapse look like and how do I watch out for it? Relapse can occur in 3 different forms:

    • Emotional relapse is when you start experiencing symptoms like depression, mood-swings, and feel generally hopeless and that life is meaningless. In this emotional state, it may seem to you like using drugs would resolve your mood swings.   
    • Mental relapse is when your brain starts a war with itself. Part of you is happy about your accomplishment of conquering drugs, and the other part wants you to go back to drug use. You must stay vigilant in order to answer the voices in your head telling you to relapse.
    • Physical relapse is when you actually go out and get more drugs and continue use. You have lost the battle to relapse.

1. Find a Sponsor to Keep You Honest

How can I find someone who will check up on me to make sure my recovery is still going well? Many rehab programs offer a sponsor who you can continue a relationship with after you get out of rehab. Meeting regularly with someone you trust who also rejoices in your sobriety can be a game changer.

2. Aftercare Program: Rehab Check Ups

Does my rehab program have a relapse prevention program? Many rehab centers do offer some kind of continued counseling or aftercare program. These programs may ask you to come back to the facility on occasion-weekly or monthly. Having this structure in place of returning to the place of your rehab can be great incentive to stay sober.

3. Continue Creative Therapies

How can I build a foundation for a healthy life after rehab? Art therapy, dance therapy, and yoga therapy are common aspects of a comprehensive rehab program. You can keep practicing these on your own at home to keep yourself sober.