Top 10 Lies Addicts Tell Themselves & Their Loved Ones

Addiction and denial go hand-in-hand. When addicts refuse to believe that they have a problem with drugs or alcohol, they’re able to come up with excuses to continue their dangerous habit. Self-deception adds fuel to the ever-burning fires of alcohol abuse and drug addiction. Not only do addicts lie to themselves; they also lie to …

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What Happens to Your Mind and Body After Excessive Pain Killer Use

The negative effects of painkillers are well known. They impact nearly every part of the body, including the brain, and have long-term implications for the physical and mental well-being of users. Some drugs can lead to acute, life-threatening conditions such as respiratory failure or internal bleeding. Long-lasting problems may include gastrointestinal problems, hormonal imbalances, severe …

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College During Recovery: Staying Strong When It Counts

College is an important time in any young person’s life. In college, we broaden our horizons, become exposed to new ideas and philosophies, and forge friendships and relationships that can last a lifetime. It’s a time for self-discovery, for challenging one’s ideas about the world, and for learning to balance fun and responsibility before being …

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Journey to Sobriety: Strategies For Success

What begins as recreational drug or alcohol use can eventually turn into a serious addiction. Addiction can affect every aspect of a person’s life, from personal and professional relationships, to finances to health and overall quality of life.   The misconception that people who become addicted to drugs or alcohol simply lack the willpower or …

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The Benefits of Holistic Therapy in Addiction Treatment

Holistic therapy and medicine use a “whole person” approach, taking into account an individual’s physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual needs. This differs from conventional medicine, which tends to focus primarily on physical and mental health. The combination of traditional evidence-based substance abuse treatment and holistic therapy can be thought of as an integrative approach, which …

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